February 2025
9th February
19:00 : 19.00 GMT 3D SIG Figure Zoom Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
Russ will take us through his work flow to producing figures, working through his method for design and printing and the software and resources he uses.
10th February
19:00 : Virtual AG meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
enter description here
19:30 : JALSIG Zoom Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
A chance to meet up and discuss JAL projects that members are working on.
11th February
19:30 : Arduino SIG Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
Two talks. See the link for details.
Click for more information
12th February
14:30 : 14:30 Merseyside Area Group Face to Face Meeting
LAWLOGG clubrooms, Bootle. (https://lawlogg.uk/visit/)
Details To Be Confirmed
13th February
19:30 : 19:30 GMT South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
enter description here
14th February
11:00 : MERG Somerset Area Group Virtual Coffee Break
Online Zoom Meeting
This is an online coffee break where members can relax and chat among themselves about Projects, Progress, Problems and Successes.
15th February
09:30 : 09:30 GMT South Hants Saturday Workshop
Southampton Model Railway Society clubroom
16th February
19:00 : Irish Area Group virtual meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
Online meeting with Irish interest for any MERG members.
19th February
19:00 : 19:00 UK Time Raspberry Pi Sig
Online Zoom Meeting
details to be confirmed
19:30 : Tayside Area Group Zoom session
Online Zoom Meeting
Come along and chat about what you have been doing with electronics on your railway. A chance to ask questions to solve that thing that has been holding you back.
20th February
12:30 : Croydon Area Group: Lunchtime Meeting
To Be Agreed
Lunchtime get together to get updates and exchange ideas.
19:30 : 19:30 GMT South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
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21st February
14:00 : Cumbria AG meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
Watch - Ask - Learn
24th February
19:00 : Virtual AG meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
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19:30 : JALSIG Beginners' Session
Online Zoom Meeting
An opportunity for beginners and other members to meet and discuss JAL projects that they are working on.
25th February
19:30 : Arduino SIG Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
To be confirmed
Click for more information
26th February
14:30 : Merseyside Area Group Online Zoom Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
Details to be confirmed
27th February
19:30 : 19:30 GMT South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
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March 2025
1st March
09:30 : MERG East Anglia
Parkview Chapel, The Street, Botesdale, IP22 1BX
Friendly group meeting. Parking on site. Refreshments always available. Bring your projects along to show off or work on.
09:30 : Three Counties AG Saturday Workshop
Hemel Hempstead MRS Club Room Kings Langley
enter description here
10:00 : Tayside Workshop
The Friary, Tullideph Road, Dundee, DD2 2PN
A chance to meet up and make things or learn about things. Bring something to work on, your lunch and a mug and enjoy.
10:00 : MERG Somerset Area Group Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
This is an online meeting subjects to be decided. To get zoom joining information ensure that you are subscribed to the Somerset Area Group in (Your Profile) and view the meeting in (My Upcoming Events).
10:30 : Romsey & District Railway Modellers Society
Crosfield Hall, Broadwater Road, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 8GL
South Hant\'s Area Group will be attending with our MERG demonstration display. If you are attending, please feel free to see and speak to us.
Click for more information
2nd March
10:00 : Romsey & District Railway Modellers Society
Crosfield Hall, Broadwater Road, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 8GL
South Hant\'s Area Group will be attending with our MERG demonstration display. If you are attending, please feel free to see and speak to us.
Click for more information
4th March
19:30 : TVAG Meeting @ Basingstoke&NHMRS
Basingstoke and North Hants Model Railway Society
Meeting in the old Club House of the Basingstoke and North Hants Model Railway Society. The address is Stratton Park, off Pack Lane, Basingstoke, RG22 5HN (back left corner of the car park). Use what 3 words ‘stocks.shock.charm’ for a more accurate location.
6th March
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 GMT South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
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8th March
10:00 : Birtley Model Railway Engineers Annual Exhibition
Community Centre DH3 1EN
Click for more information
10:00 : Basingstoke Model Rail 2025
Aldworth Science College, Western Way, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG22 6HQ
South Hant\'s Area Group will be attending with our MERG demonstration display. If you are attending, please feel free to see and speak to us.
Click for more information
9th March
10:00 : Basingstoke Model Rail 2025
Aldworth Science College, Western Way, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG22 6HQ
South Hant\'s Area Group will be attending with our MERG demonstration display. If you are attending, please feel free to see and speak to us.
Click for more information
10th March
19:00 : Virtual AG meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
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19:30 : JALSIG Zoom Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
A chance to meet up and discuss JAL projects that members are working on.
11th March
19:30 : Arduino SIG Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
To be confirmed
12th March
14:30 : Merseyside Area Group Face to Face Meeting
Lawlogg clubrooms, Bootle
Details to be confirmed. The MERG meeting usually finishes around teatime but MERG members are free to stay on through the evening at Lawlogg and run trains on their layouts, or chat.
Click for more information
13th March
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:00 : 19:00 Aberdeen Area Group Meeting
Aberdeen Model Railway Club
Monthly Aberdeen Area Group Meeting.
All welcome, please come along and meet other members, discuss what electronic projects are ongoing, solve each others problems and progress our demo layout.
19:30 : 19:30 GMT South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
enter description here
14th March
11:00 : MERG Somerset Area Group Virtual Coffee Break
Online Zoom Meeting
This is an online coffee break where members can relax and chat among themselves about Projects, Progress, Problems and Successes.
19:00 : Croydon AG Meeting
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Topics to be agreed
15th March
09:30 : 09:30 GMT South Hants Saturday Workshop
Southampton Model Railway Society clubroom
10:00 : The London Festival of Railway Modelling
Alexandra Palace N22 7AY
London's leading model railway show.
Click for more information
16th March
19:00 : Irish Area Group virtual meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
Online meeting with Irish interest for any MERG members.
19th March
19:00 : 19:00 UK Time Raspberry Pi Sig
Online Zoom Meeting
details to be confirmed
19:30 : Tayside Area Group Zoom session
Online Zoom Meeting
Come along and chat about what you have been doing with electronics on your railway. A chance to ask questions to solve that thing that has been holding you back.
20th March
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 GMT South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
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22nd March
13:30 : London Area Group
The Model Railway Club, Keen House, 4 Calshot Street, London, N1 9DA
Quarterly meeting of London Area Group.
Doors open at 13:00 for 13:30 start.
24th March
19:00 : Virtual AG meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
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19:30 : JALSIG Beginners' Session
Online Zoom Meeting
An opportunity for beginners and other members to meet and discuss JAL projects that they are working on.
25th March
19:30 : Arduino SIG Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
To be confirmed
26th March
14:30 : Merseyside Area Group Online Zoom Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
Details to be confirmed.
27th March
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 GMT South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
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29th March
09:30 : MERG East Anglia
Parkview Chapel, The Street, Botesdale, IP22 1BX
Friendly group meeting. Parking on site. Refreshments always available.
10:00 : Warwick and North Oxford Area Group Meeting
LWMRS Clubroom
enter description here
April 2025
3rd April
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
5th April
10:00 : Tayside Workshop
The Friary, Tullideph Road, Dundee, DD2 2PN
A chance to meet up and make things or learn about things. Bring something to work on, your lunch and a mug and enjoy.
10:00 : Shildon MRC Spring Exhibition
Locomotion, NRM Museum, DL4 2RE
Click for more information
10:00 : MERG Somerset Area Group Workshop
St James Church Hall, Preston Road Yeovil BA21 3RL
Subjects to be decided nearer the time but a practical session so bring your tools and equipment to be sure of contributing. Feel free to bring your questions and non-working kits along for help by other members.
9th April
14:30 : Merseyside Area Group Face to Face Meeting
Lawlogg clubrooms, Bootle
Details to be confirmed. The MERG meeting usually finishes around teatime but MERG members are free to stay on through the evening at Lawlogg and run trains on their layouts, or chat.
Click for more information
10th April
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:00 : 19:00 Aberdeen Area Group Meeting
Aberdeen Model Railway Club
Monthly Aberdeen Area Group Meeting.
All welcome, please come along and meet other members, discuss what electronic projects are ongoing, solve each others problems and progress our demo layout.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
11th April
11:00 : MERG Somerset Area Group Virtual Coffee Break
Online Zoom Meeting
This is an online coffee break where members can relax and chat among themselves about Projects, Progress, Problems and Successes.
19:00 : Croydon AG Meeting
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Topics to be agreed
12th April
10:30 : Fordingbridge Charity Model Railway Exhibition
Avonway Community Centre, 36 Shaftesbury Street, Fordingbridge, Hampshire SP6 1JF
South Hant\'s Area Group will be attending with our MERG demonstration display. If you are attending, please feel free to see and speak to us.
Click for more information
13th April
10:00 : West Midland Area Group Spring Meeting
BCNS, Titford Pump House, Engine Street, Oldbury, West Midlands
enter description here Ito follow
14th April
16:00 : Quarterly ATC SIG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
Quarterly ATC SIG Zoom call. Discussions about ATC hardware, software and interconnections. You are very welcome to join us if you need advice on how to use the ATC on your layout.
Click for more information
16:00 : Quarterly ATC SIG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
Quarterly ATC SIG Zoom call. Discussions about ATC hardware, software and interconnections. You are very welcome to join us if you need advice on how to use the ATC on your layout.
19:30 : JALSIG Zoom Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
A chance to meet up and discuss JAL projects that members are working on.
16th April
19:00 : 19:00 UK Time Raspberry Pi Sig
Online Zoom Meeting
details to be confirmed
19:30 : Tayside Area Group Zoom session
Online Zoom Meeting
Come along and chat about what you have been doing with electronics on your railway. A chance to ask questions to solve that thing that has been holding you back.
17th April
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
19th April
10:00 : Lymington Model Railway Exhibition
The Lymington Centre, New Street, Lymington, Hampshire SO41 9BQ
South Hant\'s Area Group will be attending with our MERG demonstration display and Tittesworth layout. If you are attending, please feel free to see and speak to us.
Click for more information
20th April
10:00 : Lymington Model Railway Exhibition
The Lymington Centre, New Street, Lymington, Hampshire SO41 9BQ
South Hant\'s Area Group will be attending with our MERG demonstration display and Tittesworth layout. If you are attending, please feel free to see and speak to us.
Click for more information
19:00 : Irish Area Group virtual meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
Online meeting with Irish interest for any MERG members.
23rd April
14:30 : Merseyside Area Group Online Zoom Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
Details to be confirmed.
24th April
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
26th April
09:30 : MERG East Anglia
Parkview Chapel, The Street, Botesdale, IP22 1BX
Friendly group meeting. Parking on site. Refreshments always available.
09:45 : 09:30 BST South Hants Saturday Workshop
Southampton Model Railway Society clubroom
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28th April
19:30 : JALSIG Beginners' Session
Online Zoom Meeting
An opportunity for beginners and other members to meet and discuss JAL projects that they are working on.
May 2025
1st May
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
3rd May
10:00 : Tayside Workshop
The Friary, Tullideph Road, Dundee, DD2 2PN
A chance to meet up and make things or learn about things. Bring something to work on, your lunch and a mug and enjoy.
10:00 : MERG Somerset Area Group Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
This is an online meeting subjects to be decided. To get zoom joining information ensure that you are subscribed to the Somerset Area Group in (Your Profile) and view the meeting in (My Upcoming Events).
7th May
19:30 : Three Counties AG meeting
Hemel Hempstead MRS Club Room Kings Langley
enter description here
8th May
10:00 : 19:00 Aberdeen Area Group Meeting
Aberdeen Model Railway Club
Monthly Aberdeen Area Group Meeting.
All welcome, please come along and meet other members, discuss what electronic projects are ongoing, solve each others problems and progress our demo layout.
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
9th May
11:00 : MERG Somerset Area Group Virtual Coffee Break
Online Zoom Meeting
This is an online coffee break where members can relax and chat among themselves about Projects, Progress, Problems and Successes.
19:00 : Croydon AG Meeting
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Topics to be agreed
10th May
10:00 : Glenrothes Model Railway Exhibition
The Lomond Centre, Glenrothes, KY7 5RA
Click for more information
12th May
19:30 : JALSIG Zoom Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
A chance to meet up and discuss JAL projects that members are working on.
14th May
14:30 : Merseyside Area Group Face to Face Meeting
Lawlogg clubrooms, Bootle
Details to be confirmed. The MERG meeting usually finishes around teatime but MERG members are free to stay on through the evening at Lawlogg and run trains on their layouts, or chat.
Click for more information
15th May
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
17th May
09:30 : 09:30 BST South Hants Saturday Workshop
Southampton Model Railway Society clubroom
18th May
19:00 : Irish Area Group virtual meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
Online meeting with Irish interest for any MERG members.
21st May
19:00 : 19:00 UK Time Raspberry Pi Sig
Online Zoom Meeting
details to be confirmed
19:30 : Tayside Area Group Zoom session
Online Zoom Meeting
Come along and chat about what you have been doing with electronics on your railway. A chance to ask questions to solve that thing that has been holding you back.
22nd May
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
24th May
10:00 : Warwick and North Oxford Area Group Meeting
LWMRS Clubroom
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26th May
19:30 : JALSIG Beginners' Session
Online Zoom Meeting
An opportunity for beginners and other members to meet and discuss JAL projects that they are working on.
28th May
14:30 : Merseyside Area Group Online Zoom Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
Details to be confirmed.
29th May
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
31st May
09:30 : MERG East Anglia
Parkview Chapel, The Street, Botesdale, IP22 1BX
Friendly group meeting. Parking on site. Refreshments always available.
June 2025
5th June
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
7th June
09:30 : Three Counties AG Saturday Workshop
Hemel Hempstead MRS Club Room Kings Langley
enter description here
10:00 : Tayside Workshop
The Friary, Tullideph Road, Dundee, DD2 2PN
A chance to meet up and make things or learn about things. Bring something to work on, your lunch and a mug and enjoy.
10:00 : MERG Somerset Area Group Workshop
St James Church Hall, Preston Road Yeovil BA21 3RL
Subjects to be decided nearer the time but a practical session so bring your tools and equipment to be sure of contributing. Feel free to bring your questions and non-working kits along for help by other members.
9th June
19:30 : JALSIG Zoom Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
A chance to meet up and discuss JAL projects that members are working on.
11th June
14:30 : Merseyside Area Group Face to Face Meeting
Lawlogg clubrooms, Bootle
Details to be confirmed. The MERG meeting usually finishes around teatime but MERG members are free to stay on through the evening at Lawlogg and run trains on their layouts, or chat.
Click for more information
12th June
10:00 : 19:00 Aberdeen Area Group Meeting
Aberdeen Model Railway Club
Monthly Aberdeen Area Group Meeting.
All welcome, please come along and meet other members, discuss what electronic projects are ongoing, solve each others problems and progress our demo layout.
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
13th June
11:00 : MERG Somerset Area Group Virtual Coffee Break
Online Zoom Meeting
This is an online coffee break where members can relax and chat among themselves about Projects, Progress, Problems and Successes.
19:00 : Croydon AG Meeting
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Topics to be agreed
15th June
19:00 : Irish Area Group virtual meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
Online meeting with Irish interest for any MERG members.
18th June
19:00 : 19:00 UK Time Raspberry Pi Sig
Online Zoom Meeting
details to be confirmed
19:30 : Tayside Area Group Zoom session
Online Zoom Meeting
Come along and chat about what you have been doing with electronics on your railway. A chance to ask questions to solve that thing that has been holding you back.
19th June
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
21st June
09:30 : 09:30 BST South Hants Saturday Workshop
Southampton Model Railway Society clubroom
23rd June
19:30 : JALSIG Beginners' Session
Online Zoom Meeting
An opportunity for beginners and other members to meet and discuss JAL projects that they are working on.
25th June
14:30 : Merseyside Area Group Online Zoom Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
Details to be confirmed.
26th June
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
28th June
09:30 : MERG East Anglia
Parkview Chapel, The Street, Botesdale, IP22 1BX
Friendly group meeting. Parking on site. Refreshments always available.
10:00 : Perth Model Railway Exhibition
Dewar Centre, Perth, PH2 0TH
Click for more information
July 2025
3rd July
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Southampton Model Railway Society clubroom
5th July
10:00 : Tayside Workshop
The Friary, Tullideph Road, Dundee, DD2 2PN
A chance to meet up and make things or learn about things. Bring something to work on, your lunch and a mug and enjoy.
10:00 : MERG Somerset Area Group Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
This is an online meeting subjects to be decided. To get zoom joining information ensure that you are subscribed to the Somerset Area Group in (Your Profile) and view the meeting in (My Upcoming Events).
9th July
14:30 : Merseyside Area Group Face to Face Meeting
Lawlogg clubrooms, Bootle
Details to be confirmed. The MERG meeting usually finishes around teatime but MERG members are free to stay on through the evening at Lawlogg and run trains on their layouts, or chat.
Click for more information
10th July
10:00 : 19:00 Aberdeen Area Group Meeting
Aberdeen Model Railway Club
Monthly Aberdeen Area Group Meeting.
All welcome, please come along and meet other members, discuss what electronic projects are ongoing, solve each others problems and progress our demo layout.
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Southampton Model Railway Society clubroom
11th July
11:00 : MERG Somerset Area Group Virtual Coffee Break
Online Zoom Meeting
This is an online coffee break where members can relax and chat among themselves about Projects, Progress, Problems and Successes.
19:00 : Croydon AG Meeting
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Topics to be agreed
12th July
10:00 : RailEXNE 2025
Parks Sports Centre North Sheilds, NE29 6TL
Blyth & Tyne Model Railway Society
Closes 16:00 on Sunday.
Click for more information
10:00 : West Midlands area group summer meeting
BCNS, Titford Pump House, Engine Street, Oldbury, West Midlands
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14th July
16:00 : Quarterly ATC SIG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
Quarterly ATC SIG Zoom call. Discussions about ATC hardware, software and interconnections. You are very welcome to join us if you need advice on how to use the ATC on your layout.
Click for more information
16:00 : Quarterly ATC SIG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
Quarterly ATC SIG Zoom call. Discussions about ATC hardware, software and interconnections. You are very welcome to join us if you need advice on how to use the ATC on your layout.
19:30 : JALSIG Zoom Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
A chance to meet up and discuss JAL projects that members are working on.
16th July
19:00 : 19:00 UK Time Raspberry Pi Sig
Online Zoom Meeting
details to be confirmed
19:30 : Tayside Area Group Zoom session
Online Zoom Meeting
Come along and chat about what you have been doing with electronics on your railway. A chance to ask questions to solve that thing that has been holding you back.
17th July
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Southampton Model Railway Society clubroom
19th July
09:30 : 09:30 BST South Hants Saturday Workshop
Southampton Model Railway Society clubroom
10:00 : Cupar Model Rail 2025
The Corn Exchange, Cupar, Fife, KY15 4BT
Click for more information
20th July
19:00 : Irish Area Group virtual meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
Online meeting with Irish interest for any MERG members.
23rd July
14:30 : Merseyside Area Group Online Zoom Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
Details to be confirmed.
24th July
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Southampton Model Railway Society clubroom
26th July
09:30 : MERG East Anglia
Parkview Chapel, The Street, Botesdale, IP22 1BX
Friendly group meeting. Parking on site. Refreshments always available.
10:00 : Warwickshire & North Oxfordshire Area Group Meeting
LWMRS Clubroom
enter description here
28th July
19:30 : JALSIG Beginners' Session
Online Zoom Meeting
An opportunity for beginners and other members to meet and discuss JAL projects that they are working on.
31st July
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Southampton Model Railway Society clubroom
August 2025
2nd August
10:00 : Tayside Workshop
The Friary, Tullideph Road, Dundee, DD2 2PN
A chance to meet up and make things or learn about things. Bring something to work on, your lunch and a mug and enjoy.
10:00 : MERG Somerset Area Group Workshop
St James Church Hall, Preston Road Yeovil BA21 3RL
Subjects to be decided nearer the time but a practical session so bring your tools and equipment to be sure of contributing. Feel free to bring your questions and non-working kits along for help by other members.
6th August
19:30 : Three Counties AG Meeting
Hemel Hempstead MRS Club Room Kings Langley
enter description here
7th August
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Southampton Model Railway Society clubroom
8th August
11:00 : MERG Somerset Area Group Virtual Coffee Break
Online Zoom Meeting
This is an online coffee break where members can relax and chat among themselves about Projects, Progress, Problems and Successes.
19:00 : Croydon AG Meeting
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Topics to be agreed
11th August
19:30 : JALSIG Zoom Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
A chance to meet up and discuss JAL projects that members are working on.
13th August
14:30 : Merseyside Area Group Face to Face Meeting
Lawlogg clubrooms, Bootle
Details to be confirmed. The MERG meeting usually finishes around teatime but MERG members are free to stay on through the evening at Lawlogg and run trains on their layouts, or chat.
Click for more information
14th August
10:00 : 19:00 Aberdeen Area Group Meeting
Aberdeen Model Railway Club
Monthly Aberdeen Area Group Meeting.
All welcome, please come along and meet other members, discuss what electronic projects are ongoing, solve each others problems and progress our demo layout.
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Southampton Model Railway Society clubroom
16th August
09:30 : 09:30 BST South Hants Saturday Workshop
Southampton Model Railway Society clubroom
10:00 : St Andrews Model Railway Exhibition
St Andrews Town Hall, KY16 9TA
East Neuk Model Railway Club, exhibition at St Andrews Town Hall, Queens Gardens, Sunday closure 17:00.
Click for more information
17th August
19:00 : Irish Area Group virtual meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
Online meeting with Irish interest for any MERG members.
20th August
19:00 : 19:00 UK Time Raspberry Pi Sig
Online Zoom Meeting
details to be confirmed
19:30 : Tayside Area Group Zoom session
Online Zoom Meeting
Come along and chat about what you have been doing with electronics on your railway. A chance to ask questions to solve that thing that has been holding you back.
21st August
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Southampton Model Railway Society clubroom
25th August
19:30 : JALSIG Beginners' Session
Online Zoom Meeting
An opportunity for beginners and other members to meet and discuss JAL projects that they are working on.
27th August
14:30 : Merseyside Area Group Online Zoom Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
Details to be confirmed.
28th August
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Southampton Model Railway Society clubroom
30th August
09:30 : MERG East Anglia
Parkview Chapel, The Street, Botesdale, IP22 1BX
Friendly group meeting. Parking on site. Refreshments always available.
September 2025
4th September
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Southampton Model Railway Society clubroom
6th September
09:30 : Three Counties AG Saturday Workshop
Hemel Hempstead MRS Club Room Kings Langley
enter description here
10:00 : Tayside Workshop
The Friary, Tullideph Road, Dundee, DD2 2PN
A chance to meet up and make things or learn about things. Bring something to work on, your lunch and a mug and enjoy.
10:00 : MERG Somerset Area Group Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
This is an online meeting subjects to be decided. To get zoom joining information ensure that you are subscribed to the Somerset Area Group in (Your Profile) and view the meeting in (My Upcoming Events).
10:30 : Model RailEx 2025
Aln Valley Railway, Alnwick, NE66 2EZ
Model RailEx 2025, Aln Valley Railway, Lionheart Enterprise Park, Alnwick, NE66 2EZ
Click for more information
8th September
19:30 : JALSIG Zoom Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
A chance to meet up and discuss JAL projects that members are working on.
10th September
14:30 : Merseyside Area Group Face to Face Meeting
Lawlogg clubrooms, Bootle
Details to be confirmed. The MERG meeting usually finishes around teatime but MERG members are free to stay on through the evening at Lawlogg and run trains on their layouts, or chat.
Click for more information
11th September
10:00 : 19:00 Aberdeen Area Group Meeting
Aberdeen Model Railway Club
Monthly Aberdeen Area Group Meeting.
All welcome, please come along and meet other members, discuss what electronic projects are ongoing, solve each others problems and progress our demo layout.
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Southampton Model Railway Society clubroom
12th September
11:00 : MERG Somerset Area Group Virtual Coffee Break
Online Zoom Meeting
This is an online coffee break where members can relax and chat among themselves about Projects, Progress, Problems and Successes.
19:00 : Croydon AG Meeting
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Topics to be agreed
17th September
19:00 : 19:00 UK Time Raspberry Pi Sig
Online Zoom Meeting
details to be confirmed
19:30 : Tayside Area Group Zoom session
Online Zoom Meeting
Come along and chat about what you have been doing with electronics on your railway. A chance to ask questions to solve that thing that has been holding you back.
18th September
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Southampton Model Railway Society clubroom
20th September
09:30 : 09:30 BST South Hants Saturday Workshop
Southampton Model Railway Society clubroom
21st September
19:00 : Irish Area Group virtual meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
Online meeting with Irish interest for any MERG members.
22nd September
19:30 : JALSIG Beginners' Session
Online Zoom Meeting
An opportunity for beginners and other members to meet and discuss JAL projects that they are working on.
24th September
14:30 : Merseyside Area Group Online Zoom Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
Details to be confirmed.
25th September
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Southampton Model Railway Society clubroom
27th September
09:30 : MERG East Anglia
Parkview Chapel, The Street, Botesdale, IP22 1BX
Friendly group meeting. Parking on site. Refreshments always available.
10:00 : Warwickshire & North Oxfordshire Area Group Meeting
LWMRS Clubroom
enter description here
October 2025
1st October
19:30 : Three Counties AG Zoom Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
enter description here
2nd October
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
4th October
10:00 : Tayside Workshop
The Friary, Tullideph Road, Dundee, DD2 2PN
A chance to meet up and make things or learn about things. Bring something to work on, your lunch and a mug and enjoy.
10:00 : Shildon MRC Autumn Exhibition
Locomotion, NRM Museum, DL4 2RE
Locomotion, NRM Museum, Off Dale Road, Shildon, County Durham, DL4 2RE
Click for more information
10:00 : MERG Somerset Area Group Workshop
St James Church Hall, Preston Road Yeovil BA21 3RL
Subjects to be decided nearer the time but a practical session so bring your tools and equipment to be sure of contributing. Feel free to bring your questions and non-working kits along for help by other members.
8th October
14:30 : Merseyside Area Group Face to Face Meeting
Lawlogg clubrooms, Bootle
Details to be confirmed. The MERG meeting usually finishes around teatime but MERG members are free to stay on through the evening at Lawlogg and run trains on their layouts, or chat.
Click for more information
9th October
10:00 : 19:00 Aberdeen Area Group Meeting
Aberdeen Model Railway Club
Monthly Aberdeen Area Group Meeting.
All welcome, please come along and meet other members, discuss what electronic projects are ongoing, solve each others problems and progress our demo layout.
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
10th October
11:00 : MERG Somerset Area Group Virtual Coffee Break
Online Zoom Meeting
This is an online coffee break where members can relax and chat among themselves about Projects, Progress, Problems and Successes.
19:00 : Croydon AG Meeting
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Topics to be agreed
13th October
16:00 : Quarterly ATC SIG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
Quarterly ATC SIG Zoom call. Discussions about ATC hardware, software and interconnections. You are very welcome to join us if you need advice on how to use the ATC on your layout.
Click for more information
16:00 : Quarterly ATC SIG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
Quarterly ATC SIG Zoom call. Discussions about ATC hardware, software and interconnections. You are very welcome to join us if you need advice on how to use the ATC on your layout.
19:30 : JALSIG Zoom Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
A chance to meet up and discuss JAL projects that members are working on.
15th October
19:00 : 19:00 UK Time Raspberry Pi Sig
Online Zoom Meeting
details to be confirmed
19:30 : Tayside Area Group Zoom session
Online Zoom Meeting
Come along and chat about what you have been doing with electronics on your railway. A chance to ask questions to solve that thing that has been holding you back.
16th October
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
18th October
09:30 : 09:30 BST South Hants Saturday Workshop
Southampton Model Railway Society clubroom
19th October
10:00 : West Midlands area group autumn meeting.
BCNS, Titford Pump House, Engine Street, Oldbury, West Midlands
enter description here
19:00 : Irish Area Group virtual meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
Online meeting with Irish interest for any MERG members.
22nd October
14:30 : Merseyside Area Group Online Zoom Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
Details to be confirmed.
23rd October
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
25th October
09:30 : MERG East Anglia
Parkview Chapel, The Street, Botesdale, IP22 1BX
Friendly group meeting. Parking on site. Refreshments always available.
27th October
19:30 : JALSIG Beginners' Session
Online Zoom Meeting
An opportunity for beginners and other members to meet and discuss JAL projects that they are working on.
30th October
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 GMT South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
November 2025
1st November
10:00 : Tayside Workshop
The Friary, Tullideph Road, Dundee, DD2 2PN
A chance to meet up and make things or learn about things. Bring something to work on, your lunch and a mug and enjoy.
10:00 : MERG Somerset Area Group Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
This is an online meeting subjects to be decided. To get zoom joining information ensure that you are subscribed to the Somerset Area Group in (Your Profile) and view the meeting in (My Upcoming Events).
5th November
19:30 : Three Counties AG Meeting
Hemel Hempstead MRS Club Room Kings Langley
enter description here
6th November
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
10th November
19:30 : JALSIG Zoom Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
A chance to meet up and discuss JAL projects that members are working on.
12th November
14:30 : Merseyside Area Group Face to Face Meeting
Lawlogg clubrooms, Bootle
Details to be confirmed. The MERG meeting usually finishes around teatime but MERG members are free to stay on through the evening at Lawlogg and run trains on their layouts, or chat.
Click for more information
13th November
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
14th November
11:00 : MERG Somerset Area Group Virtual Coffee Break
Online Zoom Meeting
This is an online coffee break where members can relax and chat among themselves about Projects, Progress, Problems and Successes.
19:00 : Croydon AG Meeting
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Topics to be agreed
15th November
09:30 : 09:30 BST South Hants Saturday Workshop
Southampton Model Railway Society clubroom
16th November
19:00 : Irish Area Group virtual meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
Online meeting with Irish interest for any MERG members.
19th November
19:00 : 19:00 UK Time Raspberry Pi Sig
Online Zoom Meeting
details to be confirmed
19:30 : Tayside Area Group Zoom session
Online Zoom Meeting
Come along and chat about what you have been doing with electronics on your railway. A chance to ask questions to solve that thing that has been holding you back.
20th November
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
24th November
19:30 : JALSIG Beginners' Session
Online Zoom Meeting
An opportunity for beginners and other members to meet and discuss JAL projects that they are working on.
26th November
14:30 : Merseyside Area Group Online Zoom Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
Details to be confirmed.
27th November
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
29th November
10:00 : Warwickshire & North Oxfordshire Area Group Meeting
LWMRS Clubroom
enter description here
December 2025
4th December
14:00 : Croydon Area Group: Afternoon Workshop
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Help is available on:
* SMD module testing,
* Kit building,
* Kit repair,
* ATC,
* Raspberry Pi layout control,
* Tablet and mobile phone throttles and point operation.
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
6th December
10:00 : MERG Somerset Area Group Workshop
St James Church Hall, Preston Road Yeovil BA21 3RL
Subjects to be decided nearer the time but a practical session so bring your tools and equipment to be sure of contributing. Feel free to bring your questions and non-working kits along for help by other members.
10th December
14:30 : Merseyside Area Group Face to Face Meeting
Lawlogg clubrooms, Bootle
Details to be confirmed. The MERG meeting usually finishes around teatime but MERG members are free to stay on through the evening at Lawlogg and run trains on their layouts, or chat.
Click for more information
11th December
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
12th December
11:00 : MERG Somerset Area Group Virtual Coffee Break
Online Zoom Meeting
This is an online coffee break where members can relax and chat among themselves about Projects, Progress, Problems and Successes.
19:00 : Croydon AG Meeting
CMRS Clubhouse, South Croydon
Topics to be agreed
18th December
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting
20th December
09:30 : 09:30 BST South Hants Saturday Workshop
Southampton Model Railway Society clubroom
25th December
19:30 : 19:30 BST South Hants AG Zoom Call
Online Zoom Meeting