Model Electronic Railway Group

The Leading Society for Model Railway Electronics

MERG Copyright Notice

MERG kit designs and their descriptive documents, Building Instructions and associated Technical Bulletins are published under the following Terms & Conditions:

  1. The author will retain copyright of his/her original work.
  2. The design/firmware/software etc is published by MERG under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike licence. This means that anyone, including MERG, can use it for non-commercial purposes.
  3. MERG will be granted a perpetual licence to use anything published under these Terms & Conditions for any non-commercial purpose.
  4. For the avoidance of doubt, for this purpose, the sale of kits by MERG as a service to members, which may include a nominal profit margin, is NOT considered to be a commercial activity.
  5. No author or their heirs or successors will have the right to withdraw or rescind any of MERG’s rights under either the Creative Commons or any other specifically granted licence.
  6. Anybody who wishes to use any design/firmware/software etc commercially that has previously been published by MERG must contact the original author(s) to agree terms.
  7. The original author(s), as copyright holder(s), will retain the right to use their own designs, or anything derived from them, commercially outside of MERG should they wish so to do.


To view a copy of the licence, visit: