Resources and Information

Last update 08/09/20

On these pages you will find various resources and information relating to electronics and electronic components that MERG makes freely available (subject to any copyright notices). Most of these are the responsibility of members(s), and MERG accepts no responsibility or liability for their use nor offers any warranty or validation on them.

The information is accessible from here or via the dropdown menu above, and is split up as follows:

ATC - comprehensive DC based automatic shuttle.

CBUS® - a general purpose Layout Control Bus developed by MERG members aimed at being simple to use and install, yet comprehensive in functionality, allows either partial or complete remote control of layout accessories such as points, signals, section switches etc .

DCC - MERG's NMRA compatible DCC system.

DCC Downloads - Design files and build information for the MERG DCC system.

Jargon Buster - Glossary of Common Terms used in MERG Electronics.

Using servos - Turnout / Signal Control using model aircraft servos

For Electronics Novices Some guidnce on what MERG has to offer novices.