How do Video Calls Work?
To participate, members need a mobile phone, tablet or a PC/Mac with a camera and microphone.
Calls are scheduled in advance and members are informed as to time and date via MERG systems. A meeting number and password are provided.
When it is time to start a call, a voice and video conference is opened up which has thumbnails of each video participant and any shared presentations or desktops. The call leader facilitates the call and the discussions and tries to get through the agenda in the agreed time. Zoom has two views available. The first is the speaker view which selects the video stream from the person speaking. The second is Gallery view which shows streams from all participants.
If you would like to try out Zoom, then there is a test meeting service where you are the only participant and you can experiment with the various options available.
This link is available to anybody, not just members of the area group or SIG.