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MERG East Anglian Area Group

Replace photo with a area group meeting photo

How do I contact the Area Group

Please indicate East Anglian Area Group in your message Contact MERG

Who are the leaders of the group?

Replace photo with the names and titles of leaders.

Jonathan Allen

Would you like to join today?

Update area group name.

Not a member? then

and sign up to this Area Group. If you are already a member

Edit Area Groups using the green pencil. Then select East Anglian Area Group from the drop down list in Other Area Groups and press the Subscribe to Area Group button.

How do you meet?

Provide meeting details

We meet on the last Saturday of each month at Parkview Chapel, The Street, Botesdale, IP22 1BX. Meetings began at 9.30 a.m.and we usually finished around 12.30 ish, tea and coffee available.

And the Next Meeting?

09:30 25-JanMERG East AngliaFriendly group meeting. Parking on site. Refreshments always available.Parkview Chapel, The Street, Botesdale, IP22 1BX
09:30 22-FebMERG East AngliaFriendly group meeting. Parking on site. Refreshments always available.Parkview Chapel, The Street, Botesdale, IP22 1BX

public/eastanglia.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/22 19:36 by grovenor

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