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Replace SOMESIG with the name of your SIG. Replace NN with the SIG number

MERG Arduino Special Interest Group

A zoom meeting group onlydelete this line if it is not required

What are the Aims of the SIG?

The Arduino SIG is a group that's been formed to share MERG members' experiences of using Arduino hardware and software for a wide range of tasks. It is open to beginners, intermediates and experts alike. There is a large range of hardware under the Arduino label. It is supported using a free programming language to program the chips on the Arduino hardware. There are a lot of software libraries which support extensions to cover sensors and output operations. The programming is done from a computer and once done the Arduino can operate without the computer. There are a lot of members working on different projects which are then shared with other MERG members.

How do I contact the Arduino SIG?

Please indicate Arduino SIG in your message

NN is the SIG number

Who are the leaders of the group?

Replace photo with the names and titles of leaders.

John Fletcher M6777

Martin Da Costa M6223

Would you like to join today?

Update area group name.

Not a member? then

and sign up to this Special Interest Group. If you are already a member

Select Arduino SIG from the drop down list in Other SIGs and press the Subscribe to SIG button.

How do you meet?

Provide meeting details

The group meets online using Zoom and members join the meeting from around the globe.

And the Next Meeting?

* Replace NN with the number of your area group. Update the contact form title. NN by default gives all events in the specified range. Leave the S in place, so you have Sxx. *

Best viewed in landscape on a mobile phone

19:30 22-OctArduino SIG MeetingTo be arrangedOnline Zoom Meeting
19:30 12-NovArduino SIG MeetingTo be arrangedOnline Zoom Meeting
19:30 26-NovArduino SIG MeetingTo be arrangedOnline Zoom Meeting
19:30 10-DecArduino SIG MeetingTo be arrangedOnline Zoom Meeting

How do Video Calls Work?

To join in you may need to add a headset with microphone and optionally a camera to your device, if they are not built in. You will receive a link which will get you into the meeting, automatically installing Zoom on your device if necessary.

Calls are scheduled and topics announced in advance.

Zoom provides thumbnails of each video participant and any shared presentations or desktops. The call host facilitates the meeting/questions/discussion. Zoom has developed a lot during Covid and I can't describe all the features here.

Usually everyone mutes their microphone to avoid a lot of noise from phones, clocks chiming, family activity etc. To speak you can just press the spacebar to (after a slight pause) temporarily unmute.

You can select among several icons to, for example raise a hand, clap, agree, vote etc. Useful for questioning.

You can also type “chat” either with everyone or with a selected participant. This is quite a good way to have a one-to-one conversation without involving/annoying everyone else. It can also be used to distribute weblinks etc although there are many other ways to “share” (with permission) screens, documents, open apps, whiteboard and so on.

If you would like to try out Zoom, then there is a test meeting service where you are the only participant and you can experiment with the various options available.

This link is available to anybody, not just members of the virtual area group.

Replace link appropriate link to SIG members page

public/arduinosig.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/22 19:40 by grovenor

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