Replace Somewhere with the name of your area group.
====== MERG Yorkshire Area Group ======
[[https://www.merg.org.uk/index.php|MERG Home page]]
[[https://www.merg.org.uk/content/areagroups|Area Groups]]
[[https://www.merg.org.uk/content/knowledgebase|More on our Knowledgebase]]
[[areagroups:yorkshire:yorkshire_members_home|Group Members Page]]
Replace photo with a area group meeting photo
=== How do I contact the Area Group ===
Please indicate Yorkshire Area Group in your message **[[https://www.merg.org.uk/contactus.php?t=1&n=13|Contact MERG]]**
=== Who are the leaders of the group? ===
Replace photo with the names and titles of leaders.
Peter Denton\\
Bob Shanks\\
=== Would you like to join today? ===
Update area group name.
Not a member? then [[https://www.merg.org.uk/membership.php|Join MERG Here]] and sign up to this Area Group. If you are already a member [[https://merg.org.uk/membership/areagroups.php|Join the Yorkshire Area Group]]
Select **Yorkshire Area Group** from the drop down list in **Other Area Groups** and press the **Subscribe to Area Group** button.
=== How do you meet? ===
Provide meeting details
Meeting Dates are generally the third Saturdays of the odd numbered months.\\
Yes as a group we have the full range from Know all to know nowt, and that is what makes it work. People are not made to feel silly but actively encouraged to ask the questions that intimidate them or they think may be silly. We all remember that once (or even often now) we still ask what we think could be silly questions.\\
We try to have a theme to a meet if possible, but often the more interesting bit is the open forum question time, where subjects can range free and the answers are generally free flowing and useful to have. If one person doesn't know we are sure we know a man who does!\\
Since the problems of isolating and shielding have presented us with a need for alternative plans we have moved to Zoom.Generally we are still holding the meetings but on line. We convene online at 2pm on the 3rd Saturday of odd numbered months as before. \\
When we meet as a group, refreshments are always available, and if meeting on line you may be lucky to have table service. Likewise when we meet in reality we definitely recommend you “don't forget a packed lunch” .\\
=== And the Next Meeting? ===
[[https://www.merg.org.uk/index.php|MERG Home page]]
[[https://www.merg.org.uk/content/areagroups|Area Groups]]
[[https://www.merg.org.uk/content/knowledgebase|More on our Knowledgebase]]
[[areagroups:yorkshire:yorkshire_members_home|Group Members Page]]