====== Warwickshire, North Oxfordshire Area Group ======
[[https://www.merg.org.uk/index.php|MERG Home page]]
[[https://www.merg.org.uk/content/areagroups|Area Groups]]
[[https://www.merg.org.uk/content/knowledgebase|More on our Knowledgebase]]
[[areagroups:wno:wnoprivate|Group Members Page]]
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==== Contacting the Area Group ====
Please indicate WNO Area Group in your message **[[https://www.merg.org.uk/contactus.php?t=1&n=23|Contact MERG]]**
==== Who are the leaders of the group? ====
|Simon West //Area Group Leader// \\ Andy Cumming // Assistant Area Group Leader// \\ Mike Collins //Zoom Meeting Moderator//|
==== Area Group Meetings ====
In Normal times, the WNO area group meet six times each year for a full day, generally on a Saturday, at the club rooms of the Leamington and Warwick Model Railway Society www.lwmrs.co.uk. where MERG members are able to see the Society's three Exhibition Layouts that have MERG CBUS and MERG DCC installed.
Meetings generally comprise:\\
* A presentation on a subject previously requested by the members.
* Open workshops / discussions.
* Assistance for individuals and groups of members.
==== Area Group Workshops ====
//Workshops are always held in the afternoon of bi-monthly meetings to assist the following://
* Members bringing their own kits to assemble with help from others in the group where required
* Members bringing their built kit where they need assistance to get it working or need to share test equipment
* Members interconnecting working kits to learn how kits can work together to improve the operation of their model railway.
//Additionally, specialist workshops are run on an occasional basis. Most recent subjects have been://
* Introduction to Arduino
* Building a CANMIO Kit.
* Configuring CBUS using FCU.
====Joining the Warwickshire, North Oxfordshire Group====
To attend a Warwickshire, North Oxfordshire MERG Area Group Meeting, whether in normal times or the virtual meetings, you must be a MERG member.
[[https://www.merg.org.uk/joinform.php?submit=Join+Now|First Join MERG here]]
Once you have signed up, make sure you join the Warwickshire, North Oxfordshire Area Group.
[[https://merg.org.uk/membership/areagroups.php|Join the WNO Area Group]]
Select **WNO Area Group** from the drop down list in **Other Area Groups** and press the **Subscribe to Area Group** button.
==== Meeting Schedule ====
{{:public:msag_zoom_icon.png?30 |Zoom online Meetings}} **You will need to opt into the Warwickshire, North Oxfordshire Area Group to ensure an emailed invite to any of the following meetings**
==== Past Meeetings ====
Recent meetings include: -
==== Past Activities of the Group ====
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[[https://www.merg.org.uk/index.php|MERG Home page]]
[[https://www.merg.org.uk/content/areagroups|Area Groups]]
[[https://www.merg.org.uk/content/knowledgebase|More on our Knowledgebase]]
[[areagroups:wno:wnoprivate|Group Members Page]]