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glossary:start [2022/10/10 22:57] – [B] Bob Vetterleinglossary:start [2024/12/10 18:16] (current) – correct entry JohnFletcher
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 +====== Jargon Buster ======
 +This page is based on the original MERG glossary.\\ 
 +Before adding entries, please read **[[helpsystem:glossaryguide|guide to adding entries]]** a how to do it for MERG Members.\\  
 +**[[#a|A]] [[#b|B]] [[#c|C]] [[#d|D]] [[#e|E]] [[#f|F]] [[#g|G]] [[#h|H]] [[#i|I]] [[#j|J]] [[#k|K]] [[#l|L]] [[#m|M]] [[#n|N]] [[#o|O]] [[#p|P]] [[#q|Q]] [[#r|R]] [[#s|S]] [[#t|T]] [[#u|U]] [[#v|V]] [[#w|W]] [[#X]]  Y  [[#z|Z]] ** 
 +===== A =====
 +[[glossary_a#AC|AC]] - Alternating Current\\ 
 +[[glossary_a#Accessory decoders|Accessory decoders]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_a#Accessory encoder|Accessory encoder]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_a#AM|AM]] - Amplitude Modulation\\ 
 +[[glossary_a#Amps or Ampere|Amps or Ampere]] - The measure of electrical current flow\\ 
 +[[glossary_a#API|API]] - Application Program Interface\\ 
 +[[glossary_a#ASCII|ASCII]] - American Standard Code for Information Interchange\\ 
 +[[glossary_h#Hexadecimal or Hex|ASCII Hex]] - Hexadecimal\\  
 +[[glossary_a#At-Bus]] - (Layout) Control Bus\\
 +[[glossary_a#ATC|ATC]] - Automatic Train Control\\
 +[[glossary_a#Auto Reverse Module|Auto Reverse Module]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_a#AVR|AVR]] - Microcontroller family\\
 +[[glossary_a#AWG|AWG]] - American Wire Gauge\\ 
 +===== B =====
 +[[glossary_b#Back EMF|Back EMF]] - Back Electromotive Force\\ 
 +[[glossary_b#Bell signals|Bell signals]]\\  
 +[[glossary_b#bga|BGA]] - Ball Grid Array\\  
 +[[glossary_b#bipolar|BJT]] - Bipolar Junction Transistor\\ 
 +[[glossary_b#Block Control|Block Control]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_b#Block occupancy|Block occupancy]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_b#BloNg|BloNg]] - Block oriented N-Gauge\\ 
 +[[glossary_b#Bps|Bps]] - Bits per second\\ 
 +[[glossary_b#Bridge rectifier|Bridge rectifier]]\\ 
 +===== C =====
 +[[glossary_c#C/MRI|C/MRI]] - Computer/Model Railroad Interface\\ 
 +[[glossary_c#Cab Control|Cab Control]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_c#CAN or CAN BUS|CAN or CAN BUS]] - Controller Area Network\\ 
 +[[glossary_c#CAN related projects from MERG|CAN related projects from MERG]] - CBUS Modules\\ 
 +[[glossary_c#CARLOS|CARLOS]] - Computer Aided Railway Layout Operating System\\ 
 +[[glossary_c#CBUS|CBUS]] - (Layout) Control Bus\\
 +[[glossary_c#CDC|CDC]] - Communications Device Class\\  
 +[[glossary_c#CDU|CDU]] - Capacitor Discharge Unit\\ 
 +[[glossary_c#CE Mark|CE Mark]] - Conformité Européenne\\ 
 +[[glossary_f#fifo|Circular Buffer]] - FiFo\\ 
 +[[glossary_c#Clearing Point|Clearing Point]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_c#Closed loop|Closed loop]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_c#CMOS|CMOS]] - Complementary Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor\\ 
 +[[glossary_c#Colour Light|Colour Light]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_c#COM Port|COM Port]] - Communication Port\\ 
 +[[glossary_c#Command Station|Command Station]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_c#Common Return Wiring|Common Return Wiring]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_c#Computer Control Software|Computer Control Software]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_c#Control Systems|Control Systems]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_c#Current Shunt|Current Shunt]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_c#CV|CV]] - Configuration Variable\\ 
 +===== D =====
 +[[glossary_d#D Type Connector|D Type Connector]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_d#DC|DC]] - Direct Current\\
 +[[glossary_d#DC Control|DC Control]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_d#DCC|DCC]] - Digital Command Control\\
 +[[glossary_d#DCO|DCO]] - District Cut-Out\\ 
 +[[glossary_d#dct|DCT]] - see DTC\\ 
 +[[glossary_d#Decoupling Capacitor|Decoupling Capacitor]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_d#DIL Socket|DIL Socket]] - Dual In-Line socket\\ 
 +[[glossary:glossary_d#dirty_psu|Dirty PSU]] - Dirty Power Supply Unit\\ 
 +[[glossary_d#DPDT|DPDT]] - Double Pole Double Throw\\ 
 +[[glossary_d#DPR|DPR]] - Double Pole Relay\\ 
 +[[glossary_d#DPST|DPST]] - Double Pole Single Throw\\ 
 +[[glossary d#dtc|DTC]] - DCC Track Circuit\\
 +===== E =====
 +[[glossary_e#EDG|EDG]] - Event Data Grid\\ 
 +[[glossary_e#EEPROM|EEPROM]] - Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory\\ 
 +[[glossary_e#Electro Frog|Electro Frog]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_e#emf|EMF]] - Electromotive Force\\
 +[[glossary_e#Engine Driver|Engine Driver]] - Android Throttle Application \\
 +[[glossary_e#eprom|EPROM]] - Erasable Programmable Read-Only\\ 
 +[[glossary_e#ESD|ESD]] - Electo Static Discharge \\ 
 +[[glossary_e#ESR|ESR]] - Equivalent Series Resistance \\
 +[[glossary:glossary_e#ev|EV]] - Event Variable\\ 
 +===== F =====
 +[[:glossary:glossary_f#fast_clock|Fast clock]]\\ 
 +[[:glossary:glossary_f#FCU|FCU]] - Full layout implementation model Configuration Utility\\ 
 +[[:glossary:glossary_f#FDM|FDM]] - Fused Deposition Modeling (3D Printing)\\
 +[[:glossary:glossary_f#FET|FET]]- Field Effect Transistor\\
 +[[:glossary:glossary_f#fifo|FIFO]] - First In First Out\\ 
 +[[glossary_f#flash_memory|Flash Memory]]\\ 
 +[[:glossary:glossary_f#FLiM|FLiM]] - Full Layout implementation Model\\ 
 +[[:glossary:glossary_f#flip_flop|Flip flop]]\\ 
 +[[:glossary:glossary_f#FM|FM]] - Frequency Modulation\\ 
 +[[:glossary:glossary_f#FSM|FSM]] - Finite State Machine\\
 +[[:glossary:glossary_f#FTDI|FTDI]] - Future Technology Development International (connection devices)\\
 +===== G =====
 +[[glossary_g#Gerber|Gerber image]]\\
 +[[glossary_g#GIT|GIT repository]]\\
 +[[glossary_g#GPP software|GPP software]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_g#GPIO|GPIO]] - General Purpose Input and Output\\ 
 +===== H =====
 +[[glossary_h#Hall effect|Hall effect]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_h#hasl|HASL]] - Hot Air Solder Leveling\\ 
 +[[glossary_h#Header plug or socket|Header plug or socket]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_h#Heat sink|Heat sink]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_h#Hexadecimal or Hex|Hexadecimal or Hex]]\\
 +[[glossary_h#HO Scale|HO Scale]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_h#Hysteresis loop|Hysteresis loop]]\\  
 +===== I =====
 +[[glossary_i#ICs|ICs]] - Integrated Circuits\\ 
 +[[glossary:glossary_i&#icsp|ICSP]] - In Circuit Serial Programming\\
 +[[glossary_i#Incandescent lamps|Incandescent lamps]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_i#Include Guard|Include Guard]] - also pragma once\\
 +[[glossary_i#Infrared emitter|Infrared emitter]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_i#Infrared receiver/detector|Infrared receiver/detector]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_i#ISR|ISR]] - Interrupt Service Routine\\ 
 +===== J =====
 +[[glossary_j#JAL|JAL]] - Just Another Language\\
 +[[glossary_j#JMRI|JMRI]] - Java Model Railroad Interface\\
 +[[glossary_j#json|JSON]] - JavaScript Object Notation\\
 +===== K =====
 +KSM Kit Sales Manager - email on the Kitlocker page
 +===== L =====
 +[[glossary_l#Latching|Latching]] - the new state is held until it is changed\\ 
 +[[glossary_l#LCB|LCB]] - Layout Control Bus\\
 +[[glossary_l#LCC|LCC]] - NMRA's Layout Command Control (equiv. to OpenLCB)\\
 +[[glossary_l#LDR|LDR]] - Light Dependent Resistor\\
 +[[glossary_l#Lead free|Lead free]] - usually refers to a type of solder\\ 
 +[[glossary_l#LED|LED]] - Light Emitting Diode\\ 
 +[[glossary_l#LENZ|LENZ]] - European manufacturer of DCC equipment\\ 
 +[[glossary:glossary_l#lifo|LiFo]] - Last in First out\\ 
 +[[glossary_l#Lighting decoder|Lighting decoder]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_l#Logic|Logic]] - refers to circuits ot calculations on binary information\\ 
 +[[glossary:glossary_e#long_event|Long Event]] - 32-bit eventid\\
 +===== M =====
 +[[glossary:glossary_m#memory_wire|Memory Wire]]\\ 
 +[[:glossary:glossary_m#mmc|MMC]] - MERG Management Committee.\\
 +[[:glossary:glossary_m#mmc|MMC]] - Module Management Console for the configuration and management of CBUS and VLCB modules.\\ 
 +[[:glossary:glossary_m#mobile_decoder|Mobile decoder]]\\ 
 +[[:glossary:glossary_m#MOMS|MOMS]] -  MERG Online Membership System\\ 
 +[[:glossary:glossary_m#MOSFET|MOSFET]] - Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor\\ 
 +[[:glossary:glossary_m#msag|MSAG]] - MERG Somerset Area Group\\
 +===== N =====
 +[[glossary_n#NAND|NAND]] - Not AND\\ 
 +[[glossary_n#NMRA|NMRA]] -  National Model Railroad Association\\ 
 +[[glossary_n#NMRAnet|NMRAnet]] - Early Layout Command Control\\ 
 +[[glossary_n#NOR|NOR]] - Not OR\\ 
 +[[glossary_n#NPN|NPN]] - Type of transistor\\ 
 +[[glossary:glossary_n#nv|NV]] - Node Variable\\ 
 +===== O =====
 +[[glossary_o#Octal Darlington Arrays|Octal Darlington Arrays]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_o#Ohms|Ohms]] - a measurement of electrical resistence\\ 
 +[[glossary_o#OP|OP]] - Original Post(er)\\ 
 +[[glossary_o#Op amp|Op amp]] - operational amplifier, often refers to an electronic chip\\ 
 +[[glossary_o#Open collector|Open collector]] - a circuit with a transistor that not connected\\ 
 +[[glossary_o#OpenLCB|OpenLCB]] - Open Layout Control Bus (equiv to LCC)\\
 +[[glossary_o#Optical detector|Optical detector]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_o#OR|OR]] - a logical operation similar to arithmetic addition\\ 
 +[[glossary_o#Oscilloscope|Oscilloscope]] - an electronics instrument that displays waveforms\\ 
 +===== P =====
 +[[glossary_p#PCB|PCB]] - Printed Circuit Board\\ 
 +[[glossary_p#PCB software|PCB software]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_p#Peco motor|Peco motor]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_p#PEI|PEI]] - Polyetherimide\\ 
 +[[glossary_p#PIC|PIC]] - Peripheral Interface Controller\\ 
 +[[glossary_p#piso|PiSo]] - Parallel in Serial out\\ 
 +[[glossary:glossary_p#pla|PLA]] - Polylactid Acid or Programmable Logic Array\\ 
 +[[glossary_p#PM|PM]] - Phase Modulation or Pulse Modulation\\
 +[[glossary_p#PMP|PMP]] - Pocket Money Project\\
 +[[glossary_p#PNP|PNP]] - Type of Transistor\\ 
 +[[glossary_p#Point Motors|Point Motors]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_p#POR|POR]] - Power On Reset\\ 
 +[[glossary_p#Pot|Pot]] - Potentiometer\\ 
 +[[glossary_p#Power district|Power district]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_p#Power pack|Power pack]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_p#Progressive cab control|Progressive cab control]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_p#PSU|PSU]] - Power Supply Unit\\ 
 +[[glossary_p#PTP|PTP]] - Point to Point\\ 
 +[[glossary_p#PWM|PWM]] - Pulse Width Modulation\\ 
 +[[glossary_p#Pulsed output|Pulsed output]]\\ 
 +===== Q =====
 +[[glossary_q#qfn|QFN]] - Quad Flat No Leads - a surface mount IC package\\ 
 +[[glossary_q#qfp|QFP]] - Quad Flat Pack - a surface mount IC package\\ 
 +[[glossary_q#QTU|QTU]] - Quad Throttle Unit\\ 
 +===== R =====
 +[[glossary_r#Raspberry Pi|Raspberry Pi]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_r#RC filter|RC filter]] - Resistance and Capacitor Filter\\ 
 +[[glossary_r#Reed Switch|Reed Switch]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_r#Regulated power supply|Regulated power supply]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_r#Resistor network|Resistor network]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_r#Reverse polarity|Reverse polarity]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_r#rfc|RFC]] - Request For Comment\\
 +[[glossary_r#rfid|RFID]] - Radio Frequency IDentification\\ 
 +[[glossary_f#fifo|Ring Buffer]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_r#Risk assessment|Risk assessment]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_r#RLSC|RLSC]] - Reversed Linked Section Control\\
 +[[glossary_r#RMS|RMS]] - Root Mean Square\\ 
 +[[glossary_r#Road Vehicle Control|Road Vehicle Control]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_r#Route setting|Route setting]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_r#RPC|RPC]] - Remote Panel Control\\ 
 +[[glossary_r#RPI|RPI]] - Remote Panel Interface\\ 
 +[[glossary_r#RSA|RSA]] - a MERG RS232 to RS485 converter\\ 
 +[[glossary_r#RSE|RSE]] - Remote Stack Extension\\ 
 +[[glossary_r#RTFM|RTFM]] - Read The Flipping Manual\\ 
 +[[glossary_r#RTOS|RTOS]] - Real-Time Operating System\\ 
 +===== S =====
 +[[glossary:glossary_s|SABLE]] - Stash Acquired Beyond Life Expectancy\\
 +[[glossary:glossary_s#schottky_diode|Schottky Diode]]\\
 +[[glossary_s#SD4|SD4]] - Remote Panel Control module\\ 
 +[[glossary_s#Seep motor|Seep motor]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_s#Shift register|Shift register]]\\ 
 +[[glossary:glossary_e#short_event|Short Event]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_s#sipo|SiPo]] - Serial in Parallel out\\ 
 +[[glossary_s#SLiM|SLiM]] - Simple/Small Layout implementation Model\\ 
 +[[glossary_s#smps|SMPS]] - Switch Mode Power Suppply\\ 
 +[[glossary_s#SoC|SoC]] - System on Chip\\ 
 +[[glossary_s#sod|SoD]] - Start of Day\\  
 +[[glossary_s#Solid conductor|Solid conductor]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_s#Sound decoder|Sound decoder]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_s#SPAD|SPAD]] - Signal Passed At Danger\\
 +[[glossary_s#SPDT|SPDT]]- Single Pole Double Throw\\
 +[[glossary_s#SPI|SPI]] - Serial Peripheral Interface\\ 
 +[[glossary_s#SPST|SPST]] - Single Pole Single Throw\\ 
 +[[glossary_s#SRI4|SRI4]] - Remote Panel Control module\\ 
 +[[glossary_s#SRO4|SRO4]] - Remote Panel Control module\\ 
 +[[glossary_s#Star network|Star network]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_s#Stationary decoder|Stationary decoder]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_s#stay_alive|Stay Alive]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_s#Steady state|Steady state]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_s#SToC|SToC]] - Searchable Table of Contents\\
 +[[glossary_s#Stranded conductor|Stranded conductor]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_s#SWG|SWG]] - Standard Wire Gauge\\ 
 +[[glossary_s#Switch machine|Switch machine]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_s#switch_mode_smps|Switch mode]]\\ 
 +===== T =====
 +[[glossary_t#Tag strip|Tag strip]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_t#TB|TB]] -  Technical Bulletin\\ 
 +[[glossary_t#TCC|TCC]] - Train Control Centre/Center\\ 
 +[[glossary_t#Technical Data|Technical Data]]\\ 
 +[[glossary:glossary_t#torr|TORR]] - Train Operated Route Release\\ 
 +[[glossary_t#Tortoise motor|Tortoise motor]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_t#Toti|ToTI]] - Train-on-Track Indicator\\ 
 +[[glossary_t#tou|TOU]] - Turnout Operating Unit\\ 
 +[[glossary_t#Track circuit|Track circuit]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_t#Track cleaner|Track cleaner]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_t#Train detection|Train detection]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_t#TriState|Tri-State]] - Three State output pin\\ 
 +[[glossary_t#Turnout actuator|Turnout actuator]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_t#tvs|TVS]] - Transient Voltage Suppressor\\ 
 +===== U =====
 +[[glossary_u#uart or usart|UART or USART]] - Universal Synchronous and/or Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter\\ 
 +[[glossary_u#Unregulated power supply|Unregulated power supply]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_u#USB|USB]] - Universal Serial Bus\\ 
 +[[glossary_u#USI|USI]] - Universal Serial Interface\\
 +===== V =====
 +[[glossary_v#VCP|VCP]] - Virtual Communications Port\\
 +[[glossary_v#Volt|Volt]] The measure of electrical potential difference\\ 
 +[[glossary_v#Voltage regulator|Voltage regulator]]\\ 
 +===== W =====
 +[[glossary_w#Welding simulator|Welding simulator]]\\ 
 +===== X =====
 +[[glossary_x#xlr|XLR Connector]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_x#xor|XOR Gate]] - Exclusive OR Gate\\ 
 +===== Z =====
 +[[glossary_z#Zener diode|Zener diode]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_z#Zero 1|Zero 1]]\\ 
 +[[glossary_z#zif_socket|ZIF socket]] - Zero Insertion Force socket\\ 
 +[[glossary_z#ZIMO|ZIMO]] - Austrian DCC supplier\\ 
 +[[glossary_z#ZTC|ZTC]] - British DCC supplier\\ 

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